In the Spotlight
Every month the PVG curators pick an artist to feature. With so many new artists it is not easy for us to agree on which artist to pick. This months featured artist is Frank Mock. This artist was chosen since he essentially does it all - writes music, arranges and produces, plays guitar and bass, sings. You get the idea. He produced his debut album titled Push Me Away completely by himself. We extend a boat load of kudos to him for that.

Push Me Away - Frank Mock
Frank's 2021 debut album of all original music touches on a few genres. This self-produced album is definately worth checking out. The album showcases that Frank has some serious song writing skills. Push Me Away - the title track, is a rock song that many people can relate to. It's about how some people are never happy and make others close to them unhappy too, because it makes them feel better. Track 2 titled "I'm Your Clay is a pop-rock track about a guy who is head-over-heels for a lady. He is her clay to do whatever she wishes with. You can find info about these songs and others on the albums webpage linked below.
Sat, Mar 5th, 2022

Check this album out!
Pinegrove is an alternative rock band from Monclair New Jersey. To me, their music is a mixture of Death Cab for Cutie (DCFC) meets Keane. My mind made this comparison before I read the 11:11 album notes on their Bandcamp page and learned that Chris Walla from DCFC mixed the album. My initial listening of 11:11 was very positive. Habitat and Alaska conjured an early 2000s rock vibe.
Check out - Push Me Away - on Spotify.
Frank Mock's song - Can't Live Without Her - is featured on the Indie Mellow Spotify playlist.