
Sat, Mar 5th, 2022


11:11 by Pinegrove

Pinegrove is an alternative rock band from Monclair New Jersey. To me, their music is a mixture of Death Cab for Cutie (DCFC) meets Keane. My mind made this comparison before I read the 11:11 album notes on their Bandcamp page and learned that Chris Walla from DCFC mixed the album. My initial listening of 11:11 was very positive. Habitat and Alaska conjured an early 2000s rock vibe. 11:11 has an overall retro feel, strong lyrics, and solid musicianship. Pinegrove wrote the album with a mission of social change in mind.

From the albums Bandcamp page - "The album sees the band build on their poetic blend of indie rock, folk, and alt-country, along with Hall's earnest, open-hearted vocals and his penchant for writing emotionally direct, literate, introspective lyrics. Here, political and socially conscious themes permeate, and as he evolves as an artist, his resolve has only grown stronger and more purposeful. "I'm encouraged that so many people in my generation are now on board for a change that centers people over profit. And most urgently, I think, in order to durably solve the climate crisis we've got to address capitalism." The band's latest effort weaves these critiques through an accessible and sensitive work, which manages to be pointed without ever being didactic. "

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Push Me Away

Original Music by Frank Mock

New alternative rock album titled 'Push Me Away' by independent artist Frank Mock. Check out his debut album on most streaming services.

Check out - Push Me Away - on Spotify.

Push Me Away album cover

Push Me Away by Frank Mock