Sat, Mar 5th, 2022

Pinegrove is an alternative rock band from Monclair New Jersey. To me, their music is a mixture of Death Cab for Cutie (DCFC) meets Keane. My mind made this comparison before I read the 11:11 album notes on their Bandcamp page and learned that Chris Walla from DCFC mixed the album. My initial listening of 11:11 was very positive. Habitat and Alaska conjured an early 2000s rock vibe.
Sat, Feb 5th, 2022

Expression is a 5 track EP by the French duet Ema. The EP was release in August 2021. This Alternative rock works is well-produced and was completely done by the duo. The vocals complement the album well and the harmonies in particular shine. The songs are emotionally driven and have instrumental candy that fit between the vocals seamlessly.
James Foran
Sat, Feb 5th, 2022

Purl is an instrumental alternative album that's absolutely perfect as background music while working or to just zone out with. The music is completely performed by Southern California musician, James Foran. A philosophical message is given from Jame's Bandcamp webpage that offers artist insight - "When the invisible boogie man changes the world around you, it's time to reflect and record." Seems James de stresses while recording, which is a great way to impart emotion into music. Most songs feature the guitar as the lead instrument.
Garden on a Trampoline
Sat, Feb 5th, 2022

This alternative rock album is aptly named as the songs are mostly about experiences of inner turmoil, self-worry and angst. The album is an example of solid song writing and is well-produced. I have heard other bands backed by record companies that don't sound as good. The songs paint pictures that are easy to immerse one's self in. This is time-less alternative rock.
Frank Mock
Sun, Jan 30th, 2022

Frank is a San Francisco Bay Area independent artist. Push Me Away is his debut album of all original alternative rock music. This album was completely a DIY project requiring Frank to wear the hat of not only singer-songwriter, but also sound engineer, mixer, producer, record label, marketing manager, etc. Push Me Away takes the listener on a journey full of unexpected grand views and insight into Frank's creativity. As Frank notes on his website, "the scope of the album is purposely wide so that the listener can better understand what makes me tick musically". Some of the songs on Push Me Away contain interesting bridge sections which momentarily change the color of the song.